Bible Study Materials

Matthew 18:15-35

by Abraham J Park   09/27/2015  


Forgive Your Brother From Your Heart


Matthew 18:15-35

Key Verse: 18:35



1. Read verses 14. What is the heart of God who gives these instructions? Read verses 15-17. What steps should one take to resolve a sin problem in a brother or sister? (fellow believer) Why and how is the church involved?


2. Read verse 17b. What does it mean to treat a person as a pagan or a tax collector? Read verse 18. Compare 16:17-20. What do you think this means?


3. What promise is given in verses 19-20? What do these verses teach about the importance of community? About the nature of a local church?


4. Read verses 21-22. Why did Peter ask this question? What did Jesus teach about forgiveness? What does this mean to Peter? To us?


5. Read verses 23-27. What is Jesus parable about? When the servant pled for mercy what did the king do? How does this illustrate the grace of God to sinners?


6. Read verses 28-35. Later, what did the servant who had been forgiven his debt do? (28-30) When the master (king) heard about this, what did he do? (31-34)


7. What is the point that Jesus makes? (35) How is this connected with Jesus' teachings in verses 15-34? What is the message of this whole chapter? Why is forgiveness so important?


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