Bible Study Materials

Psalm 8

by Paul Choi   07/22/2012  



Psalm 8:1-9

Key Verse:8:1

  1. Read verse 1. What does David call about God and why? (1b)  How far does the glory of God reach? (1b, Is 6:3)


  1. Read verse 2,3. How do the lips of children and infants praise God? What is the meaning of this? (Mt 21:16) How does David describe his faith in God’s creation of the world? (3, Is 40:26)
  1. Read verses 4-5. How does David describe man in the eyes of God? (Ge 1:26)



  1. Read verses 6-8. What is man’s mission? (Ge 1:28) and how does it relate to the purpose of man’s life? (Ge 1:31, Is 51:16, Cor 10:31)


  1. Read verse 9. Why does David repeat this verse? What is the purpose of your life? How much do you live for God’s glory?




Psalm 8:1-9

Key Verse:8:1 “ O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”

Recently, two new scientific discoveries drew attention to our world. The first is the discovery of a super massive black hole, and the second is the discovery of God’s Particle, called “the Higgs boson.” I don’t have time to explain all these stories today in my message, but the interesting thing to me is that these two discoveries are completely opposite in their sizes and dimensions. For example, the size of the super massive black hole is 1 million times the size of the sun. Can you imagine the size of the black hole? On the other hand, God’s Particle is a subatomic particle which is smaller than protons and neutrons, which can barely be seen through a super microscope. Can you imagine its smallness? Despite their sizes and functions, these two things are both God’s creations, and these two discoveries are nothing but appreciation of God’s creation.

In human history two major questions have been always asked from generation to generation; first, how did this world begin? second, what is the purpose of man’s life? No one has clear answers to these two fundamental questions. Is there anyone who answers these questions? There are answers in the Bible. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This verse gives us an answer to the first question that all things in this world came from God. There is God in the beginning and God started this world, both visible and invisible. Second, Colossians 1:16 says, “For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.” This verse answers the second question, that all things in this world were made for God. In other words, the purpose of God’s creation is for his glory. All things in this world including you and me exist for the glory of God.

Psalm 8 is called a hymn of praise, especially a hymn of creation praise along with Psalm 33, 104, and145. The psalmist David praises God who created the heavens and the earth, and made man in God’s own image. In Psalm 8 we learn who God is, what man is like, what is the purpose of man’s life, and man’s relationship with God.

First, the glory of God (1-2) Look at verse 1. “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.” In this verse David called God ‘Lord’ twice. But each word and meaning is different. The first ‘LORD’ is YHWH’ in Hebrew, which is God’s name. And the second ‘Lord’, is ‘Adonai’, which is God’s title. The Lord ‘YHWH, is the Creator God. YHWH is the God of Israel who redeemed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The Lord God opened the Red Sea and made the Israelites cross the sea as on dry land. When David called God “Adonai”, he meant that the Lord God is his master, his king. David said, “how majestic is your name in all the earth!” The word’ majestic’ is used for a king. We call a king ‘Your Majesty”. David was a king. But he called God ‘King’ and himself God’s subject. Here, we learn about the relationship between God and us. Our God is the Creator and we are his creatures. He is a potter and we are clay. We came from God and were made for his purpose. We find the meaning of life when we meet God personally as the Creator God. God is also our master, our king, and we are his subjects. God rules us and we submit to him. When God rules us and we submit to him, we have peace because we obey the creation order; which is God first, man second, and other creatures third.

Look at verses 1b-2. “…You have set your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” This world was made for God’s glory. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Isaiah 6:3 says, “And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” David said that God has set his glory above the heavens. God’s glory crosses the universe. It reaches beyond the galaxies. (“God of wonders, beyond out galaxy, You are holy, holy. The universe declares Your majesty. You are holy, holy Lord of heaven and earth.”)The angels in the book of Isaiah said that the whole earth is full of God’s glory. This means that the heavens and the whole earth were created and exist for God’s glory. Look at the twinkling stars in the sky and its constellations! Their beauty and harmony reveal God’s divine wisdom and power. Look at the flowers in the field. They exist to reveal God’s glory. Look at the birds in the sky. They also exist for God’s glory. If even mere flowers and animals live and exist for God’s glory, how much more you and I? We all exist for God’s glory. Rick Warren, a pastor and the New York Times bestseller, said in his book “The Purpose Driven Life” “It’s all for him. The ultimate goal of the universe is to show the glory of God. It is the reason for everything that exists, including you. God made it all for his glory. Without God’s glory, there would be nothing.”

Here we learn that the purpose of man’s life is to glorify God the Creator. What is the chief end of man? It is to glorify God and enjoy in Him forever. We don’t have to explain or give a special lecture to men for this. Everybody knows it. We have inborn knowledge of God and desire to praise Him. (Ro 1:19-20) Even children and infants appreciate God’s creation. My wife and daughter met the Creator God when they were nine years old. Our BBF children worship God and praise Him every Saturday. We are born to praise God and glorify him. Our God deserves it. It is because he made them all. Revelation 4:11a says, “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, ..”

Second, the love of God (3,4) Look at verses 3,4. “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” In the previous verses David praised the glory of God. Now he thinks about man. What is man? If we look down on this earth from a spaceship, the earth looks as small as a ping-pong ball. We are as small as God’s Particle. Do you know the size of the universe? Nobody knows. According to NASA’s report, the radius of the observable universe is around 46 billion light years. Can you imagine its size? Then, who is man in such an immeasurable universe? Who are you and who am I in this vast universe? Look at verse 3 again. “…, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” Some people may ask a question, “The population of this earth is almost 7 billion. Among these 7 billion, does God remember me one person and really care for me?” The answer is “Yes.” Our God is the Almighty God. He is also mindful and loving. God who created the heavens and the earth and runs the entire universe with his divine wisdom and power is capable of caring for each person one by one. The important thing is that in the eyes of God each person is very important, more precious and valuable than a cluster of galaxy. God cares for us and loves us because we are his creatures, especially creatures made by his own image and his own likeness. (Ge 1:26,27) The Bible says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” After God made all and said, “It was very good” (Ge 1:31)

God loves us and cares us not because of what we have done but because of who we are. The Bible says that God is our Father and we are his children. I love my children unconditionally not because what they have done for me, but because who they are. They are my children, who have my image and my likeness. David was deeply touched by God’s divine love when he found himself in God. In the same way, those who find themselves in God realize the greatness of God and his unfailing love. Those who find their life in God understand John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his One and Only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God loves us and cares for us one by one as a mother cares for her children. Romans 5:8 says that God demonstrated his own love for us in this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. The Almighty Creator God appeared as a man like you and me, and died for our eternal life. What more evidences of God’s love you can ask from God?

Third, man’s position and mission (5-8) Look at verses 5-8. “You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet; all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.” According to Genesis, God made man as a steward for all God’s creatures. God made man as a manager of the world. Man is privileged to be made in God’s own image as well as to receive honor and glory as a manager. Man has the right and privilege to rule over all flocks, herds, all the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. This is a privilege, and at the same time this is a mission. When man fulfills his mission, God’s glory is revealed. When man accomplishes his duty, he is truly satisfied and happy.

What does it mean that God made man a ruler and a manager? It means that God made man to glorify God’s name by worshiping him. The pastor Rick said that we bring God glory by worshiping him. When we call God’s name, praise, pray, and hear his words, we glorify His name. God’s name is revealed through our worship service. The act of our worship is the expression of our love, devotion, and submission to Him as our God (YHWH) and our King (Adonai). All worship programs are to please God. What is the role of a manager? Is it to please his master by recognizing him and making profits for him? God wants us to acknowledge him, honor him as God by worshiping him. We meet God personally in our praise, in our prayer, in our messages, and in our fellowship. We also enjoy God richly while we worship Him. Do you know what the joy of life is as parents? Parents are happy when their children grow well as they wish. Parents are happy when their children acknowledge them and obey them. I am happy to see my son Sammy come to me and share his problems during the Bible study. I am willing to hear all his complaining and struggling as his father. I want to see him enjoy me and grow as a healthy child of God. In the same way, God wants us to come to him and enjoy him. God is our lovely Father in heaven. He is willing to hear us and talk with us and help us. Even though we are smaller than God’s Particle compared to the entire universe, God remembers each of us one by one and wants us to have a personal fellowship with him. Praise God!

We bring glory to God by exalting His name. When I was in elementary school, I won numerous art contests. Whenever I went to receive the prize, my father accompanied me. My achievement and prize pleased my father and made him very proud of me. In the same way, we can please God and glorify him through our Christ-like life. The pastor Rick said, “We bring God glory by becoming like Christ. Once we are born into God’s family, he wants us to grow to spiritual maturity… Spiritual maturity is becoming like Jesus in the way we think, feel and act. The more you develop Christ-like character, the more you will bring glory to God.” As you are happy to see your children growing in your image, God is happy to see us grow in his own image, Christ-like character. Amen.

We also bring glory to God by telling others about God. Telling others about God is a mission not only to pastors, ministers, or evangelists, but to all those who believe in Him. Jesus did not call his disciples from the religious leaders, but from laymen like us such as fishermen, tax-collectors, revolutionists, and so on. Jesus called them, disciplined them and gave them a great commission. “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mk 16:15) We can tell about God to anyone, anytime and anywhere. Mike Lovelace and I met when I was fixing his toilet. During the lunch break, we talked about God. “God does not want his love and purposes kept a secret. Once we know the truth, he expects us to share it with others. This is a great privilege-introducing others to Jesus, helping them discover their purpose, and preparing them for their eternal destiny. The Bible says, “As God’s grace brings more and more people to Christ,… God will receive more and more glory.” (2 Cor 4:15 NLT; The Purpose Driven Life)

Let us read verse 9 all together. “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” David repeated verse 1. His repetition reminds us who God really is and who we are. It also teaches us how to live on this earth as children of God. What is the purpose of your life? If you don’t have a purpose of life, your life is aimless. Your life is nothing but a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow. If you know the purpose of your life, how much do you live for God’s glory? When I asked this question during the bible study, most of them answered the same, “Not enough.” The Bible says, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Ro 3:23)

The Apostle Paul said in 1Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” When you eat, you must eat for the glory of God. When you work, you must work for the glory of God. When you travel, travel for the glory of God. When you worship, worship for the glory of God. Whatever you do and wherever you go, do it for the glory of God. Our life purpose is to glorify God and richly enjoy in Him.

Let us pray for this country America to reveal God’s glory again as a ‘City on a Hill’. Let the light of Christ shine. “Shine Jesus shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory. Flow river flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy”. Amen.


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