Bible Study Materials

Luke 12:13-34 (2011)

by Paul Choi   07/17/2011  



Luke 12:13-34

Key Verse: 12:32

1. Read verses 13-15. What did the young man expose about himself through his question? What warning did Jesus give? What principle did he teach? What is greed and to where does it lead? (Jas 1:15; 1Ki 21)

2. Read verses 16-21. What did the rich man want to do with his wealth? (1Co 15:32b) To what does a pleasure-seeking, selfish lifestyle lead? (Compare the story of David and Nabal in 1 Samuel 25.) Why was he called a fool?

3. Read verses 22-28. What are the things people worry about? Why should people not worry or be anxious? What should we learn from the lilies? What is the spiritual problem that lies at the root of anxiety?

4. Read verses 29-31. How should God’s people be different from godless people? What must Jesus’ disciples seek? What is God’s promise? (Mt 6:33)

5. Read verses 32-34. How does the reward of the Father contrast with the rewards the world offers? How can we be rich toward God? (21) Why is it so important to guard our hearts?




Luke 12:13-34

Key Verse 12:32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”

   A few years ago, there was a national best-seller book named “Rich dad, Poor dad.” This book teaches us how to invest our money and how to become rich. However, in today’s passage Jesus said that man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Jesus meant that there is something much more important and valuable thing than money in our life. What is it? Jesus gives us a clear answer today. I want to put the sub title for my message, “Rich toward God, store up in heaven.”

  While Jesus was warning his disciples to watch out the Pharisees’ hypocrisy, someone in the crowd came to Jesus and said, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” (13) Definitely, this man was not happy with his inheritance. According to Moses’ law, the older son inherits a double a younger’s portion. (Dt 21:17) This man might be a younger one. How did Jesus reply? Look at verses 14,15. “Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” Then he said to them. “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (15) Jesus saw greed and selfishness in this young man’s heart. What is greed? Greed is selfish desire beyond reason. In modern terms, greed is the love of money. The bible says that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. (1 Ti 6:10) For example, these days people suffer from economic recession. House price drops down and gas price goes up. Many people lost job. People blame the cause of recession from people’s greed. In fact, last year an American stock broker in the Wall Street defrauded thousands of investor of billion dollars through so-called the Ponzi Scheme. As a result, all the investors lost their money and some killed themselves in deep despair.  Thus, people’s greed is dangerous and destructive.

  Still people might think that money is everything and that they can enjoy their life with their money. In order to warn their greed, Jesus tells a story. “The ground of a certain rich man produces a good crop.” He thought to himself, “What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to myself, “You have plenty of good things and laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.” (16-18) In modern terms, this man might have earned lots of money from stock. He said, ‘What shall I do with all these money?” I will buy gold, bonds, and more stocks and put all of these in the safety bank. Then, I will enjoy my life by eating and drinking and leaving for Caribbean Cruise to find fox girls.  This man thought that his security problem on this earth was solved. He thought that he could live on this earth forever with his money. But, how did God say to him? Look at verse 20. “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” In other words, “You, a stupid guy. You will die tonight and what is necessary for all your money after you die?” This young man was foolish because he did not know that life on this earth is mortal. He did not realize that he cannot take all his money when he dies. Job in the Bible is not a philosopher. But he left a very important message to us. “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21) The young man in this story did not realize that his life belongs to God. He was foolish because he didn’t prepare for his afterlife, but only for life on this earth.

  Jesus concludes this story. Look at verse 21. “This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.” People think that life is their own. They think that abundance of their possession is their security. But, Jesus said that life belongs to God. God is the author of our life and we are the steward of God’s life. Therefore, we must live not for selfish purpose, but for the glory of God who is the author and owner of our lives. Jesus said in verse 15b, “a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” In other words, money is necessary, but not everything. There is much important, valuable, precious, and permanent thing than money in man’s life. What is it? It is the Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is the most important, valuable, precious, and permanent treasure for us.

  As we have studied in John 3 during the Bible Academy, what was Nicodemus’ problem? Nicodemus had everything such as money, power, honor and knowledge. Still he was not happy with all these. Jesus knew his inner problem and said, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (Jn 3:3) Jesus taught Nicodemus that he had missed the most important thing in his life which is the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus was not happy and satisfied with things of the world because he was not born again. Because he was not born again, he could not see and enter the kingdom of God.

  As you know there was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples named Levi. He was a tax collector. A tax collector was regarded as selfish and greedy man of Jesus’ days. Levi loved money and lived for money. He thought that money could make him happy. However, it was not the case. Selfishness and greed made him more miserable. So when Jesus called him “Follow me,” he got up and followed Jesus right away. He followed Jesus because he saw the kingdom of God in Jesus. Later the selfish Levi became St. Matthew who wrote Matthew’s gospel, which contains more parables about the kingdom of God than other gospels. Matthew was truly happy when he possessed the kingdom of God.

  Have you ever counted the numbers of the word “I, my,” and “myself” in this man’s story? He said 11 times in 3 verses. He lived only for himself. If we also live only for ‘I, my, me, mine, for myself,” we will be foolish like this young man. What does it mean being rich toward God? ‘Being rich toward God’ means to live for the kingdom of God. We work, suffer, sacrifice for the kingdom of God. We put our hope in the kingdom of God and invest our money, time, life for the kingdom of God.

Then, we frequently encounter obstacles when we live for the kingdom of God. Security problem on this earth always follows like shadow. Security problem is not only our own. The father of faith, Abraham, also confronted and was tested by security problem. He went down to Egypt for food because he worried about what to eat and what to wear, how to support his family. One of my church members confessed that he spent many sleepless nights because he worried about family financial matter. For the last three days we worked hard for the Bible Academy and experienced the great work of the Holy Spirit. We saw God’s kingdom coming into the hearts of many people. We were freed from anxiety during the Bible Academy. Now the Academy was over and reality has come. Anxiety attacks when we open our eyes. Jesus’ disciples were in the same situation. Following Jesus was fantastic. However, they were always concerned about their security. Following the poor carpenter Jesus required a great faith to all of twelve disciples. How did Jesus help his disciples to overcome their anxiety and security problem?  He just said, “Do not worry!” In the previous part Jesus said, “Do not be greedy”. But, in this part, Jesus teaches us, “Do not worry.”

Jesus explains why we should not worry. Look at verses 22-23. “Then Jesus said to his disciples: “therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.” What Jesus said is true. Life, which is soul here, is more important than food and the body more than clothes. God takes care for our soul and body. How can we sure of this? Jesus continues. “Consider the ravens: they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” (24) We see many squirrels and rabbits running around the yards. It is amazing that they eat well and play well even though they don’t look working hard. I believed that there is no one here who thinks himself or herself worse than squirrels or rabbits. God cares for such worthless animals. How much more we are than such animals! Our God cares.

People say that men worry about what to eat while women worry about what to wear. Indeed, my wife and daughter often fight about what to wear before they go outside while I struggle with my son for his diet. God clothes the grass of the field which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into grass bags. How much more will God clothe you, all women? Jesus warned them, “O you of little faith!” Jesus continued, “And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” (29-31) Whenever we suffer from financial burden or security problem, we think that we are alone and nobody understands our situation. However, Jesus promised us that our Father in heaven knows that we need them. Our Father knows that we need money to support our family, to pay the rent, and to buy grocery. Instead of worrying, what Jesus wants us to do? Jesus said, ‘But seek his kingdom…” Matthew’s gospel says, ‘Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” (Mt 6:33)  While preparing for the Bible Academy, I was very thankful and encouraged by some members who sought God’s kingdom first despite their poor financial situation. They spent money to prepare for food and drink. Moreover, they sacrificed their time to bring friends and give ride for them. Jesus promised those who are seeking God’s kingdom first, “… and all these things will be given to you as well.” (31)

Look at verse 32. “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” Whenever we think about our uncertain security or financial matter, fear comes. Fear of loss and fear of death accompany with reality. However, Jesus promised again to provide all these things for his children. So we don’t have to worry about. Not only Father provides all these things, but also he is pleased to give us better thing than all these, what to eat or what to wear. What is it? It is the Kingdom of God.

Through the Bible Academy, we learned how much God wants to give us his kingdom.  The paralytic was sorrowful not only because of his paralyzed body, but also of his powerless life because of sin. Jesus called him ‘son’ and forgave all his sins. Not only Jesus healed him but also granted him the kingdom of God in his heart through the forgiveness of sin. We have already studied how Jesus gave the kingdom of God to Matthew. Matthew gained the kingdom of God when he followed Jesus. Jesus also taught to Nicodemus until late night in order to teach the way to see and enter the kingdom of God. It is not easy for us to bear stubborn and rebellious people. But, Jesus waited until Nicodemus’ spiritual eyes were opened to see the kingdom of God. Jesus also provided a thirsty Samaritan woman with the living water welling up to eternal life.

The kingdom of God is given to those whose sins are forgiven. The kingdom of God is given to those who follow Jesus. The kingdom of God is given to those who are born again of water and spirit. The kingdom of God is given to those who drink the living water welling up to eternal life.

The kingdom of God is not only tasting peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of God is where our God reigns and rules. Where God rules, there is the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is in heaven because our God is in heaven. Our true hope is in the kingdom of God. Revelation 21 describes the kingdom of God as a new heaven and a new earth, where there is no more death or mourning or crying or pain. (Rev 21:1,4) When we all get to heaven, our Lord Jesus will wipe every tear from our eyes and welcome us saying, “Welcome, my precious son and daughter. From now on you will live with me forever.”

Look at verses 33,34. “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What Jesus meant in these verses is “Invest your life for the kingdom of God.” Those who entrusted their money to the stock broker, they lost billion dollars of money. However, in heaven there is no thief, no Ponzi Scheme, no fraud, no bankruptcy, no recession. The kingdom of heaven is the safest and most secure place which we can invest our lives. A month ago, Shepherd Ben West and I had a chance to visit a cemetery for American missionaries in Korea. Not only the missionaries, but also all their family members, even a year old child, were buried. They invested their lives for the kingdom of God. To the eyes of the earthly people, their lives seemed to be loss. However, to the eyes of God, they lived the most beautiful life on this earth. Now they are rich in heaven and live in peace and joy with our Lord Jesus Christ. They put their treasure in heaven. Their treasure will never disappear.   Jim Elliot, an American missionary to Ecuador who was martyred by the Indians said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”  Leaving these words, Jim Elliot went to heaven with four other missionaries.

What is your treasure? Where do you want to invest your life? Today Jesus answers all questions. “Your Father has been pleased to give you his kingdom.” Why don’t you receive and enjoy it?  Amen.


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