Bible Materials

Exodus 33

by Paul Choi   09/13/2020   Exodus 33:1~23


Now Show Me Your Glory

Exodus 33:1-23

Key Verse: 33:18

  1. Read verses 1-3. How did God propose to keep the promise he had made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Why did he refuse to go with the people? Read v. 4-6. Why was this news sorrowful news to Moses and the people? What did the people do?

  2. Read v 7-11. What did Moses do while the people were in mourning? Why did he pitch the tent far from the camp? What was the evidence of God’s presence there? (9) How did the people participate in Moses’ prayer? How does the author describe these conversations between the Lord and Moses during those days (11)

  3. Read v. 12-17. What was Moses’ main prayer topic? (12) Why did Moses ask God to teach him God’s ways? What was God’s answer? (14,17) Why is God’s presence significant to the Israelites?

  4. Read v. 18-23. What did Moses mean when he asked the Lord, “Now show me your glory.”? (18) What did God reveal to Moses about himself in answer to this request? Why did he refuse to show Moses his face?


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