Bible Materials

Exodus 9-10

by Paul Choi   02/24/2019   Exodus 9:1~10:29


Let My People Go (3)

Exodus 9-10

Key Verse: 9:16

  1. Review the previous 4 plagues on the Egyptians. What progress can you find in these four plagues? Read verses 1-7. What does the distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians means? (4) Why was the plague on livestock more serious than the others?

  2. Read verses 8-12. How was the plague of boils different from the others? Look at verses 13-19. How did the plague of hail affect the life of the Egyptians? Why did God continue to give plagues on the Egyptians? (16, 9:1, Ro 2:5, 2 Pe 3:9)

  3. Look at verses 20-28. How was the attitude of Pharaoh and his officials changed? (20,27-28) What did Moses want to teach Pharaoh through these plagues? (29-30) Why are sinners like Pharaoh stubborn in their repentance? (Ge 4:9, Lk 15:28, Jn 3:19-20, Ac 3:19, Ro 1:21-22)

  4. Look at verses10:1-11. Why did Pharaoh delay the release of the Israelites? (3) How did Moses negotiate with Pharaoh for the Exodus? (9) Describe the plague of locusts. Why did God put the plague of darkness right before the plague of the firstborn? How was the seriousness of this plague on Pharaoh and the Egyptians?


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