Bible Materials

Exodus 3-4

by Paul Choi   02/03/2019   Exodus 3:1~4:31


God calls Moses

Exodus 3:1-4:31

Key Verse: 3:14

1. Read 3:1-5. Where and how did God reveal himself to Moses? Why did Moses' vision need rekindling? What is holy ground?

2. Read 3:6-12. How did God introduce himself? (6) What does this mean? Why was God concerned? What had God come to do? How did he plant hope in slave people? What was Moses' mission? His response? God's promise and instructions?

3. Read 3:13-22. How was Moses to introduce God to the people? (13-15) How was he to remind them of God's covenant? (16-17; Ge 15:13-21) How would God deal with the Egyptians?

4. Read 4:1-9. How would God use the staff in Moses' hand? Read verses 10-17. How did God answer Moses' plea of lack of eloquence?

5. Read 4:18-31. What happened on the way back to Egypt? (18-26) What did this event teach Moses? How did the Israelites respond to Moses and his message? (27-31) What does this teach us?


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