Bible Materials

John 10:1-21

by Paul Choi   05/13/2018   John 10:1~21



John 10:1-21

Key Verse: 10:11

1. How can one distinguish the shepherd from a thief or robber (1-3a)? What characterizes the relationship of a shepherd and sheep (3b-4)? Why do sheep not follow a stranger (5)? What was Jesus’ purpose in using this figure of speech (6)?

2. What did Jesus declare about himself (7)? What does this mean to thieves and robbers (8), and to the sheep (9)? How does Jesus contrast the motive of the thief with his own (10)? What blessing comes all who enter through Jesus, the gate?

3. Read verse 11. What did Jesus proclaim about himself? Why is Jesus alone the good shepherd (Jn 1:29)? How is the hired hand different from the shepherd (12-13; Eze 34:1-4) How was God’s promise to send the shepherd fulfilled by Jesus (Eze 34:15,23-24)?

4. What kind of relationship does Jesus have with his sheep, and with the Father (14-15)? Why is it important for us to know Jesus and be known by Jesus?

5. Who are the other sheep and what responsibility does Jesus take toward them (16)? What does this teach about his world mission purpose? How is it possible for there to be one flock and one shepherd?

6. What does laying down his life voluntarily show about Jesus’ relationship with his Father (17-18a)? What does his mention of authority and God’s command further reveal about his relationship with the Father (18b)? What did the Jews say about him (19-21)?


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