Bible Materials

Mark's Gospel

by Paul Choi   01/09/2022   Mark 5:1~20


What is Your Name?

Mark 5:1-20 

Key Verse: 5:9

  1. Where did Jesus and his disciples land and what do you know about this place (1)? Describe the man who met Jesus (2-5). How did he relate to others and to himself? What does this tell us about the work of demons?

  2. What was the man’s reaction to Jesus and his words (6-8)? In contrast to the people of the region, what was Jesus’ view of this man and his problem?

  3. Why do you think Jesus asked the man’s name (9a)? What did the man’s answer and request reveal about his inner condition (9b-10)? How did Jesus’ question begin to restore his relationship with God?

  4. What did the man and the demons beg, and why did Jesus permit it (10-13a)? What happened (13b,15)? What was people’s response to this (14,16-17)? How did Jesus’ action here challenge people’s value system then (and now)?

  5. What did the man request (18)? What mission did Jesus rather give him and why was this important for him (19)? How did the man respond (20)? What have you learned about Jesus, yourself and others through this passage?


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