Bible Materials

John 6:1-15

by Joseph Park   02/25/2018   John 6:1~15



John 6:1-15

Key Verse: 6:11

1. What was the time and place of this event (1,4)? What motivated the great crowd of people to follow Jesus (2)? What did Jesus do (3)? Why did Jesus bring his disciples up on the mountainside?

2. What did Jesus see, and what did he ask Philip (5)? What does Jesus’ question reveal about him? How was he testing Philip (6)? What does Philip’s answer show about him (7)? Do you think Philip passed the test?

3. Who spoke up (8; 1:40-42)? In what sense was Andrew’s suggestion hilarious, and how does it reflect Jesus’ mind (9; 6b)? How did Jesus involve his disciples (10)?

4. What did Jesus do with the five loaves and two fish (11)? What can we learn about Jesus? (Eph 3:20) How can we feed physically and spiritually hungry people around us?

5. After feeding the crowd, how did Jesus teach his disciples stewardship (12-13)? How did the crowd respond to the sign that Jesus performed (14)? Why did Jesus withdraw (15)?


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