Bible Materials

Psalm 100

by Paul Choi   11/17/2016   Psalms 100:1~5


Worship the Lord with Gladness

(Thanksgiving Days’ Special)

Psalm 100

Key Verse:2

  1. What are those who shout for joy to the Lord? Why all the earth? (1, Ps 146:6, 148:1-6, Ro 11:36)

  2. What kind of attitude we should have when we worship the Lord? (2,4)

    Why is thankful heart important in worshiping God? (Ps 33:1, Ro 1:21, 1 The 5:18)

  3. Why does our God deserve to be worshiped and praised? (3,5a, Jn 3:16)

  4. Why do we have to teach our children thankful worships to the Lord? (5b; Ge 18:19)


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