Bible Materials

Matthew 26:17-75

by Paul Choi   03/13/2016   Matthew 26:17~75


Jesus' Prayer and Victory

Matthew 26:31-75

Key Verse: 26:39

1. In the Garden of Gethsemane why did Jesus tell his disciples what was on his heart? (36-38) What did he pray repeatedly? (39, 42, 44) What can we learn from Jesus?

2. What were the disciples doing while Jesus was praying? Why? (40, 43) Why did Jesus tell his disciples to pray? (41) How was Jesus after prayer? (45,46)

3. Who did Judas bring with him to capture Jesus? (47-49, 55) What was his signal? When Jesus was arrested, why did one of the disciples wield the sword? Why did Jesus stop him? (50-54) What did the disciples do at the time of trial? (56)

4. When Jesus was taken to the high priest, why did Peter follow him at a distance? (57,58) Why did Jesus remain silent? (59-63a) How did he declare his identity? What happened to him as a result? (63b-68)

5. What happened to Peter in the courtyard? How did he disown Jesus? (69-74) Why did he weep bitterly? (75)




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