Bible Materials

Matthew 21:1-17

by Kit West   11/01/2015   Matthew 21:1~17



See, Your King Comes to You

Matthew 21:1-22

Key Verse: 21:5


1. What was Jesus anticipating in Jerusalem? (20:17-19) Read 21:1-3. What instructions did he give two disciples as they neared Jerusalem? What were they to say to anyone who raised a question? How does this underscore his kingship?


2. Read verses 4-5. Why did Jesus need the donkey? How did he fulfill prophecy? (See Zec 9:9-10) What does this teach us about his Messianic mission?


3. Read verses 6-11. What did the disciples do? What did Jesus do? What did the crowds do? What question did his entrance to Jerusalem in this way raise? (10-11) How did the crowd answer? What can we learn about Jesus the Messiah from this event? What does this mean to us?


4. Read verses 12-13. Where did Jesus go? What did he see and do? Why was he angry? How did he assert his ownership of the temple? Read verses 14-17. How did he serve the weak and vulnerable people who came to him? What was the response to his actions?  What Bible lesson did he teach them? What can we learn here about God? About Jesus?


5. Read verses 18-22. What happened before breakfast the next morning? What amazed his disciples? What did he teach them? On what occasion had he taught this before? (Mt 17:20-21)? In what way is the fig tree a parable of the temple and the religious leaders? What did Jesus want his disciples to learn?


6. What should be the function of the temple? (13,22) What does this whole passage teach about Jesus’ kingship? What should this mean to us?



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