Bible Materials

Matthew 10:16-42

by Paul Choi   06/14/2015   Matthew 10:16~42


Fear God, Not Men

Matthew 10:16-42

Key Verse: 10:28

1. Read verse 16-20. What should disciples expect when they go out into the world? What should be their attitude? (16) What must disciples do when they are arrested? How will God help them witness? (19,20)

2. Read verses 21-23. What direction and promise does Jesus give? (21-22) How can one both stand firm and flee (22,23)? What did Jesus promise? Read verses 24-25. How does Jesus' example give courage and direction?

3. Read verses 26-33. What are the things that disciples should fear and should not fear and how can we overcome fear? (26,28,31)Why is it important that concealed things be disclosed and exposed? What must be our attitude in a hostile world? (31,32,33)

4. Read verses 34-37. Why does Jesus say that he did not come to bring peace, but a sword?(How can we reconcile this with his promise to give peace in Jn 14:27 and his name, Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9) Why might family members who love each other become enemies? (35-37) What priorities does Jesus establish for disciples? (37)

5. Read verse 38-39. What does it mean for each of us to take up his cross and follow Jesus? What different crosses must different people take? What does it mean to find one's life by losing it for Jesus' sake? (Compare Mt 16:24-26)

6. Read verses 40-42. What does it mean to welcome a disciple of Jesus? What are the rewards of welcoming a prophet? What does it mean to "welcome" someone?


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