Bible Materials

Matthew 9:1-17

by Paul Choi   05/17/2015   Matthew 9:1~17


Jesus Came to Call Sinners

Matthew 9:1-17

Key Verse: 9:13



1. Read verses 1-2. Who was brought to him and what was his condition? How could he see their faith? Why did Jesus say to him, “Take heart, son?” Why did Jesus forgive the man’s sins instead of healing him?


2. Read verse 3-8. How did some teachers of the law react to Jesus’ words? Why did he call their thoughts “evil?” How did Jesus show his authority to forgive sins? What did the crowd recognize about Jesus?


3. Read verses 9-13. What kind of people were tax collectors? What does it mean when Jesus called him, “Follow me.?”What was Jesus’ invitation and Matthew’s response?


4. Read verses 10-13 again. Where did Jesus go for dinner? Who criticized him and why? How did Jesus explain his reason for eating with sinners? How does he challenge his critics?


5. Read verses 14-17. What question did John’s disciples raise? Why? How did Jesus answer? What does it mean in this context? [What are the new wine and old wine? The unshrunk cloth and the old garment? The new wine and new wineskins?] What is Jesus teaching about himself and his gospel?



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