Bible Materials

1 Corinthians 15:12-34

by Paul Choi   03/30/2014   1_Corinthians 15:12~34


The Power of the Resurrection

1 Corinthians 15:12-34

Key Verse:15:22



1.Why didn't people believe in the resurrection of the dead? (12)  Look at verses 13-19. If there is no resurrection of Christ, what problems do Christians face? (14-19) What do the words "You are still in your sins" mean?








2.How did Paul overturn all these hypotheticals in verse 20? What does it mean that Jesus became the firstfruits of the resurrection? How does this become a living hope for us? (1 Pe 1:3,4)








3.Read verse 22. What does verse 22 mean? Read verses 23-28. How will Jesus reveal his glory and power when he comes again? Who is our last enemy to be destroyed?





4.Read verses 29-30. Why did people baptize for those who are dead? How did Paul live with resurrection faith? What did he mean when he said, "I die everyday"? Who is our bad company? How can we experience the power of the resurrection in our daily life?







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