Bible Materials

Joshua 3:1-17

by Paul Choi   06/09/2013   Joshua 3:1~17


Crossing the Jordan

Joshua 3:1-17

Key Verse: 3:14

  1. What was Joshua’s attitude toward the war of conquest? (1) What was his command to the Israelites? (2-3) What is the significance of their following the ark of the covenant of the Lord? (1:7-8, Ex 29:44,45, 2 Sa 6:2)


  1. Why did they have to keep a distance from the ark? (4, 1Sa 6:19) Why did Joshua order his people to be consecrated before crossing the Jordan? (5, Deut 23:14)



  1. How did God exalt Joshua and reconfirm his leadership? (7) What was God’s command for the priests while crossing the Jordan?(8)


  1. What was Joshua’s message to the Israelites? (9-13) What was the source of his faith and courage? Why did he choose one man from each of the twelve tribes? (12, 4:2,3)



  1. How did the Israelites respond to Joshua’s command? (14) What happened when they obeyed his command? (15-17) What similar occurrence had taken place forty years earlier (Ex. 14:31)?


  1. What can we learn about God who enabled the Israelites to cross the Jordan in such a way? What is your Jordan River to be crossed by faith?  


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