Bible Materials

Joshua 2:1-24

by Paul Choi   06/02/2013   Joshua 2:1~24


Reconnaissance (Exploration)

 Joshua 2:1-24

Key Verse 2:10

1.  Read verse 1. What was the mission of the two spies? Read verses 2-7. How did they escape the search party sent out by the king of Jericho?

2. Read verses 8-11. What would motivate Rahab to betray her king and harbor two strangers? Read  verses 12-13. What did she ask of the spies? Under what conditions would her request be granted?

3. What use is made of the case of Rahab in the New Testament (Heb. 11:31; Jas. 2:25. Consider the context of the latter passage, Jas. 2:14-26) Why is one’s personal faith important in God’s redemptive work (Ac 16:14, 15; 31) ?

4. Read Ex. 15:14-16; 23:27; Deut. 2:25; 11:25. How does Rahab’s speech illustrate the fulfillment of these passages (2:8-11)?

5. What report did the spies make to Joshua (2:22-24)? What is the chronological relationship between the events of this chapter and those of chapters one and three (1:11; 2:22)?


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