Bible Materials

Mark 8:1-21

by Michael Lanier   02/27/2022   Mark 8:1~21


Don’t You Remember

Mark 8:1-21

Key Verse: 8:18

1. Read verses 1-3. "During those days" refers to what time and place? (See 7:31) How does he express his compassion? How is this incident similar/different from the one described in 6:30-44?

2. Read verses 4-9. How did the disciples respond? What shows that they needed to grow in faith? How did Jesus prepare the crowd and how did the disciples participate? What does this teach about how God works?

3. Read verses 10-13. Where did Jesus and his disciples go after this? Why did the Pharisees come to him? How did they reveal their unbelief? How did Jesus respond? Why can miraculous signs never cure unbelief?

4. Read verses 14-16. What was on the disciples’ minds? Of what did Jesus warn them? What did he mean by the “yeast of the Pharisees and Herod?” How is unbelief like yeast?

5. Read verses 17-21. What had they forgotten? How were they like the unbelieving, sign-seeking Pharisees? How did Jesus help them to overcome unbelief? Why is it important to have a sense of history?


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