Bible Materials

Genesis 11:27-12:20

by Paul Choi   05/12/2022   Genesis 11:27~12:20


God Called Abraham

Genesis 11:27-12:20

Key Verse: 12:2,3

  1. Read 11:27-32. What do we learn in these verses about Abraham’s family? (Jos 24:2) What was his life problem (11:30) Look at 12:1-3. What did God command Abram to do? Why was it necessary for him to leave his familiar, secure environment?

  2. Read 12:2-3 again. What did God promise Abram? What is the meaning of each promise?

  3. Read v. 4-5. How did Abram show his faith in God’s promise? (He 11:8) What was the basis of his faith? Why is our faith in God’s promise important in God’s redemptive history? (He 11:9, Jn 1:12, Ac 10:43; 16:31, Ro 1:16; 4:13, Gal 3:9, 18)

  4. Read v.6-9. What did it mean to build altars in Canaan? What did each one mean? Read v10-20. How was Abram’s motive for going to Egypt different from his motive in going to Canaan? What problem arose to Abram in Egypt? How did God help him? What can we learn from Abram’s mistake?


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