Bible Materials

Luke 5:1-11 (2010)

by Paul Choi   10/10/2010   Luke 5:1~11



Luke 5:1-11

Key Verse 5:10b

  1. Describe the place. Why had Jesus probably come here early in the morning? (Mk 1:35) Describe the crowd who came to him. Why had they probably come? Why did Jesus teach the word of God instead of healing them? (2Ti 3:15-17; Col 3:16)

2.  How did Simon show himself to be a hardworking man? Why is this an important quality for a disciple? (2Th 3:10) What favor did Jesus ask of him? Why? How did this help Jesus? Simon?


3. After teaching the crowd, what did Jesus ask Simon to do? Why? What was Simon's response? (4-5) How does this reveal his learning mind and obedience? Why are these attitudes important in a disciple? (Jn 14:21)



4. What happened when Simon obeyed Jesus? Why did Jesus want to restore his failure? What did Simon realize about himself through this event? (8) What did he mean by saying, "I am a sinful man?" Why did he say, "Go away from me, Lord"?


5. Read verses 9-11. What new life direction did Jesus give Simon? How did this give him new life? What does "from now on you will catch men" mean? How did Simon and his companions respond? What was Jesus' purpose in calling them? (Mk 6:34; Mt 16:18)


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