Bible Materials

Luke 5:12-26 (2010)

by Paul Choi   10/17/2010   Luke 5:12~26



Luke 5:12-26

Key Verse:5:24

1. Read verse 12a. How does Luke describe the man whom Jesus met? What is leprosy? What are its physical and social effects? (Lev 13:45-46) In what ways could leprosy be compared to sin? (Ps 51:1-2)

2. Read verse 12b. What did this leper do and say to Jesus when he saw Jesus? What did he believe about Jesus' power? What does his, "If you are willing" tell us about the leper?

3. Read verse 13. What did Jesus do? What did he say? What was the result? What does it show about Jesus that he is willing? That he touched the leper?

4. Read verse 14. Why did Jesus tell the cleansed leper not to tell anyone? What did Jesus tell him to do? Why? Why is this important? Read verses 15-16. What did Jesus do frequently after teaching and healing? Why was this necessary for Jesus and more necessary for you and me?

5. Read verse 17a. What was Jesus doing? Who appears on the scene for the first time in Jesus' ministry? Why do you think they came?

6. Read verses 17b-19. What happened? Describe the situation of the paralytic. What did his friends overcome in order to bring him to Jesus? Why were they so determined? What can we learn from them about friendship?

7. Read verse 20-21. How did Jesus see their actions? What did he say to the paralyzed man? Why were the religious leaders offended by Jesus' words? What did they not know about Jesus? How might this man's condition be representative of one kind of sin?

8. What did Jesus know? (22) How did he teach them who he is and demonstrate that he has the authority and power to forgive sins? (22-24) What do we learn from these 2 events about the nature of sin? About Jesus? About the testimony of changed lives?


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