Bible Materials

Luke 8:26-39 (2011)

by Paul Choi   02/27/2011   Luke 8:26~39



Luke 8:26-39

Key Verse: 8:30a  “Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

  In today’s passage Jesus heals a demon-possessed man. By healing the demon-possessed man, Jesus teaches us that he is the ruler of spiritual world. Above all, he is the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. (Jn 10:11) Today we’ll see the reality of evil spirits through a demon- possessed man, and will find a remedy for demon-possessed people not by psychiatric treatments but by the power of Jesus’ name. Amen. 

First, Jesus meets a demon-possessed man (26-29). Look at verses 26-27a. “They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town…” After the storm training in the previous night, Jesus and his disciples arrived at the region of the Garasenes. The region of Garasenes, also called ‘Decapolis’, was mostly the Gentile inhabitant area. The Roman army camps resided and Greek culture were prevailing over the region. Definitely Jews hated to visit the area where pig industries were prosperous. We don’t know exactly why Jesus brought his disciples to this gentiles-dominated town. Probably Jesus had mind to teach them the evangelization for the gentiles by overcoming their exclusive Judaism. Probably Jesus wanted to meet a special person in today’s passage.

  The special person was not a chief-commander of the Roman armies, but a demon-possessed man. How did he look like? Look at verses 27b and 29b. “…For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs…Many times it had seized him, and thought he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places.” At the first glance this man was not a normal person. What and how to wear tell us many things about person’s character and personality. However, this man did not wear clothes at all. He was naked. He was a man of no character or personality. He did not live in a house, either. He lived in a tomb where most people avoided even to visit. We are not sure why he lived in a tomb, not in a house. Probably he wanted unlimited freedom and moved to the tomb where nobody bothered him. Probably he was cast out from the society. At any reason this man was isolated from his people. According to verse 29, he was very violent and harmful to others. So many times the town’s people seized him and chained him to control. But he broke iron chains like rotten ropes and ran away to solitary places. He was out of control. How will people of these days deal with such a person? Definitely, they will call police to arrest him and to send him to a mental hospital. 

   How did Jesus deal with him? Jesus immediately sensed that he had been demon-possessed. So he commanded the demons to come out of the man. What was his response to Jesus’ word? Look at verse 28-29a. “When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torture me!” For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man.” His response to Jesus’ words was ambivalent. It came out in two different ways. He showed his homage to Jesus by kneeling down himself to Jesus’ feet as if he was desperate for help. At that same time, he rejected Jesus by shouting at the top of his voice.  Humanly speaking his personality was split. But biblically speaking he was demon-possessed.

  The Bible says that man is a spiritual being. Man’s life is consisted of body, soul and spirit. In the beginning God made man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being, a spiritual being.(Ge 2:7) So, man’s body is the container of God’s holy spirit.(1 Co 6:19)  Man is happy and he becomes a real human being when he is filled with the Holy Spirit. However, in the garden the devil tempted the man to sin against God. Sin broke relationships between God and man and between man and woman. Instead of holy spirits, evil spirits occupied man’s heart and soul such as fear, anxiety, hatred, pride, lying, murder, and so on. Those who are filled with evil spirits lose their identity and personality as a man and a woman of God and degenerate as tools of Satan. They are controlled and behaved by the power of Satan and by demons which are the agent of Satan.

What is the reality of Satan?  Jesus said that Satan is a liar and murderer. (Jn 8:44)  Satan makes people destructive, divisive, disobedient, discontent, discordant, rebellious, fearful, hateful, lustful, and so on. Definitely the man in today’s passage was demon-possessed. He was destructive, disobedient, rebellious, and hateful. Jesus saw many demons in him. Jesus knew that the man could be healed when the demons are out. Jesus believed that the man would live normal life as a man of God with full of the Holy Spirit when all demons are cast out.  Jesus begins to heal him. 

Second, what is your name? (30) Look at verse 30a. “Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”  Jesus asked his name first. Name identifies a person’s personality. For example, the name ‘Abram’ means ‘a noble father’ whereas ‘Abraham’ does ‘a father of many nations.’ God called Abram and changed his name into Abraham so that he might become a father of many nations. (Ge 17:5 ) Jesus also called Simon which means ‘flat-nosed’ and changed his name to Peter which means ‘rock’ so that he might become a foundation of Christ’s church. (Mt 16:18)  The man in today’s passage must have had his own name like Julius or Massela. But he forgot his name. It had been long years ago when his name was called by people. People just called him ‘mad dog’.

 By asking ‘what is your name?’, Jesus wanted to help him to know who he is and where he is now. It is the same question of God who called Adam who hid himself behind trees in the garden after eating the forbidden fruit, “Where are you?” (Ge 3:9) Jesus challenged the man to be awaken from his spiritual slumber by calling his name “What is your name?” Jesus wanted to heal him from demon possession and to restore his identity as a human being.  

  Jesus also wanted to expose the reality of demons by asking his name. Look at verse 30b. “”Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him.”  Jesus asked the person, but the demon answered by saying, “Legion”. A legion is a unit of Roman army composed of 6,000 soldiers. This man was possessed by 6,000 demons. Wow! While 6,000 demons occupied him, his body and soul was devastated. He tortured himself and damaged others, but he did not feel anything. He was naked, but felt no shame because he was beside himself. He yelled at the top of the voice, but it was not he who yelled but demons in him. Before Jesus asked the man’s name, demons were working behind him in darkness. But, when Jesus asked his name, all the demons were exposed like cockroach under the light. “Legion” is the voice of the demons and their identity.

  These days many people do not want to admit the reality of demons or evil spirits. They approach demon-possessed people with psychological view. They treat them with chemical drugs and other psychological method. However, there are demons who are working 24/7. Dr. M. Scott Peck, the prominent psychiatrist and writer, suggests in his book ‘People of the life’ that evilness should be defined and investigated with a kind of scientific method. He means that people should admit the existence of evil spirits and the reality of demons so that mentally ill people may find remedy not by psychological therapy or chemical drugs but by the healing power of God.

Indeed, the symptoms of demon possession are very obvious and diverse.  People say that schizophrenia is a major mental disorder caused by delusions or hallucinations. Patients say that they hear some voices, mainly negative and destructive words, behind them. What is the voice? It is the voice of demons, especially the depression demons.  Depression demons whisper them to harm themselves or others. Therefore, schizophrenia patients should be brought to Jesus rather than to mental hospitals.  We easily find many kinds of demons around us and in us such as anger demon, hatred demon, selfishness demon, rebellion demon, laziness demon, lust demon, complaining demon, drinking demon, smoking demon, party demon, video game demon, porno watching demon, and so on. As years go by, the numbers of demons increases rapidly and become more powerful than before like super Bacteria.

We must admit the reality of demon-possession. It is not character or personality matter, but spiritual matter with demon-possession. Demons hide themselves behind us and want to control us. Mainly demons love to destroy all the relationships among us. Demons destroy the relationship between God and man, between pastor and church members, between husband and wife, between parents and children, between co-workers, neighbors and others. In order to destroy our relationships, Satan mobilizes all demons from everywhere even from our closet people. We must figure out the reality of demons behind us. We must see the work of Satan behind all happenings and events which destroy our relationships.  By asking “what is your name?” we must realize who we are and where we are in the presence of God.  By asking “what is your name?” we must repent of our sins and receive the forgiveness of sin. By asking “What is your name?” Jesus wanted to heal the man and to restore his original image as a man of God. By casting out the demons, Jesus wanted to save him and use him to live for the glory of God.

Third, Jesus sacrifices a herd of pigs in order to save a demon-possessed man. (31-39)  The demons did not know what to do and where to go like cockroaches exposed in the light. They begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss. Abyss is a place of confinement for evil spirits and for Satan. They thought that the time of their destiny had not come yet. At that time, a large herd of pigs were feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them. (32) Jesus gave them permission. Look at verse 33. “When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned.” In a few minutes, a massive suicide occurred among pigs. Pigs are generally peace animals except for meal time. Their joy of life is just eating meals and the purpose of their lives is gaining weight. However, when the demons came into them, they lost appetite. They could not bear demons because they are not spiritual beings. The poor pigs became crazy and finally indulged themselves into the lake.

What happened next? Look at verses 34-37. “When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured. Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear, so he got into the boat and left.” The healing of this demon-possessed man must be greatly appreciated and welcomed by the town’s people. In the past, this man was the shame of the community and scum of the society. Now, he became a normal man with right mind. He was dressed and restored. He was no more violent or hostile. He became a gentle sheep before Jesus. Therefore, the townspeople should appreciate Jesus and open the great banquet for Jesus and for this man. However, they ordered Jesus to leave from their town because of fear of another loss of their pig business. There must be many demon possessed people in their town. If Jesus heals all of them, they will lose all their remaining pigs and close their companies.  But, Jesus did not mind to sacrifice a herd of pigs in order to save a demon-possessed man. To Jesus a demon possessed man is much more precious and valuable than two thousand pigs.  By sacrificing two thousand pigs without the owner’s permission Jesus must have been in great danger or even in death threat. But Jesus did not mind his security in order to save one lost soul. Jesus is the good shepherd.

Indeed, Jesus is a good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. Later, Jesus was willing to sacrifice his life as the Lamb of God in order to save us. Jesus did not mind carrying the cross and being crucified if only we might be saved and our wounds are healed. Jesus was willing to sacrifice all things even his own life in order to save lost souls. In this materialistic society, people have tendency to ignore a little one’s life in order to save money. But Jesus valued a person’s life more precious and important than two thousand pigs. Praise Jesus!

  Jesus not only healed the man but also gave him a new life direction. Look at verses 38,39. “The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for  him.” The man was filled with joy and thanks. Out of gratitude he wanted to follow Jesus wherever he went. So he begged to go with Jesus.  But Jesus sent him home as a missionary who would testify what Jesus had done for him to the townspeople.  He himself is a great testimony of Jesus’ love and power. His changed life is the gospel and good news to all people.  Someone said that he became Decapolis UBF director.

  In the past, I used to be a demon-possessed man starting with selfishness demon, lust demon, despair demon, drinking demon, party demon, the Beatles demon and so on. One day I was drunken and lying down on campus, my friends took me on their shoulders and dumped me into the fountain.  In the fountain water, I enjoyed swimming.  At that time I did not know what I was doing. I thought that my bizarre behaviors were the expression of my human instinctive desire. My life went nowhere but to the pit of death and destruction. However, God’s grace reached out to even this useless person like me. Jesus came to my life and healed me from demon-possession. I don’t know where all the demons went into. Jesus restored my right mind and the image of God’s child.  After healing me, Jesus appointed me as UBF shepherd in my college who would testify how  God had done for me. Praise Jesus who is my good shepherd, Savior and Lord! Amen.

  In today’s passage, Jesus heals a demon-possessed man. We must admit the reality of demons and cast out demons by calling the name of Jesus Christ. We must shout, “In the name of Jesus Christ, you hatred demon, come out of me”. “In Jesus’ name, you lust demon come out of me.!” We must believe that Jesus is powerful to liberate us from demon-possession. We must believe that Jesus is mindful to take care of us and heal us one by one. May God make America a kingdom of priests and a holy and healthy nation. Amen.



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