Bible Materials

Luke 12:1-12 (2011)

by Augustine Suh   07/10/2011   Luke 12:1~12



Luke 12:1-12

Key Verses:12:4,5

1. Read verse 1. Why was Jesus so popular? (11:29; Mt 9:36; Jn 10:14) Why did his popularity catalyze the opposition? How dependable was this crowd? To whom did he first speak and why?

2. Of what did Jesus warn his disciples? Why did he call hypocrisy “yeast”? Read verses 2-3. What do these verses suggest about the character of truth? How can we avoid hypocrisy and stand on the side of truth?

3. Read verses 4-5. Why should Jesus’ people not fear physical death? What (whom) should we fear? Why? (Heb 9:27; Rev 21:8) What does it mean to fear God? How does this help us overcome fear of men? (See 1 Jn 4:18; Ro 8:15)

4. Read verses 6-7. What difference does it make to know that God is the Sovereign Owner of our lives?

5. Read verses 8-10. What does it mean to acknowledge Jesus publicly? What does this have to do with overcoming fear? Why is disowning Jesus forgivable while blaspheming against the Holy Spirit unforgivable?

6. Read verses 11-12. How does God help us in the time of persecution? Why? What should be our attitude toward future persecution?


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