Bible Materials

Luke 18:1-14 (2011)

by Paul Choi   10/16/2011   Luke 18:1~14



Luke 18:1-14

Key Verse: 14:1

1. Read verse 1. What was the point of Jesus' parable? Why do people give up instead of praying? Why should they not? (1 Thes 5:16-18)

2. Read verses 2-5. How does Jesus describe the judge? What does it mean that he did not fear God? Care about people? What effect did this have on him?

3. What is the prayer topic of the persistent widow? What in her situation might cause her to be so persistent? What does it mean to be persistent? What did the judge decide to do? Why? How is this consistent with his character?

4. Read verses 6-8. Why does Jesus say, “Listen to the unjust judge”? How is God different from this judge? What does it mean to “cry out to him day and night?” What kind of prayer topics should God’s chosen ones have?

5. Why is it that God will surely listen to the prayers of his chosen ones? What will God do for them? What does it mean to “bring about justice?” Why don’t people pray? What will be revealed when Jesus comes again?

6. Read verses 9-14. What does Jesus continue to teach about prayer? To whom did Jesus tell this parable?

7. Describe the prayer topic of the first man? What was his attitude? What was the prayer topic of the second man? What was his attitude? Which man’s prayer does God answer? Why? What do you learn about God?


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