Bible Materials

1 Corinthians 1:1-17

by Paul Choi   01/08/2023   1_Corinthians 1:1~17


Fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord

1 Corinthians 1:1-17

Key Verse: 1:9

1. Read v. 1-3. Why does Paul introduce himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus? According to verse 2, what are the characteristics of the church of God? Why does Paul emphasize these things? What was his greeting to them? (3)

2. Read v. 4-7. On what basis does Paul give thanks for the believers in Corinth? (4-7) How did they receive their spiritual gifts? (6; cf. Ac18:8-11) Read verses 8,9. What does he believe about their future? What is the goal of God’s calling for us? (9, Eph 4:3-5,11-13, Php 2:1-2)

3. Read v. 10-12. What is Paul’s appeal to them? (10) Think about the degree of unity Paul urges. What contradictory report had he heard about them? (11) Over what were they quarreling? (12)

4. Read v. 13-17. In what sense was their quarreling so serious? How did Paul bring them back to the proper perspective? (13-16) What was the focus of Paul’s ministry? (17) Why did he emphasize the cross of Christ here?


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