Bible Materials

2 Corinthians 8:1-15

by Paul Choi   10/15/2023   2_Corinthians 8:1~15


The Meaning of Offering (1)

2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Key Verse: 8:9

 [As part of the ministry of reconciliation, Paul had been collecting an offering from all the Gentile churches to take with him to give to the church in Jerusalem. His purpose in collecting the offering was for the relief of the Jerusalem church, and, to build spiritual unity between Jewish and Gentile Christians (Ro15:26-27).]

1. Read verses 1-2. What good example did Paul mention? (Here, "the Macedonian churches" means the Philippians and the Thessalonians.) How could they make such a generous and joyful offering? Why did he call their offering "the grace God has given"?

2. Read verses 3-5. How did they give in terms of their ability? (3) What and to whom did they offer first? (5) Why is this important? What can we learn from the Macedonians about the unique characteristics of Christian giving?

3. Read v. 6-8. What did Paul urge Titus to do? (6) How did he encourage and challenge the Corinthians? (7) As they excelled in other ways, why did they also need to excel in giving? What did Paul intend by his encouragement? (8)

4. Read verse 9. On what basis did Paul urge them to give? In what respect was Jesus rich? (Jn1:1-3) How did he become poor? (Jn1:14a; Lk2:7; Php2:6-8) What does it mean that we are now rich? (Eph1:3,7-8) How does this grace of our Lord Jesus Christ affect our Christian life, and especially our giving?

5. Read v. 10-15. What was Paul's advice to the Corinthians? (10-11) After making an offering pledge, why is it important to follow through with it? What kind of attitude makes the offering acceptable to God? (12) What does “the goal is equality” mean? (14)


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