Bible Materials

1 John 3:1-24

by Paul Choi   02/11/2024   1_John 3:1~24


We Know What Love Is

1 John 3:1-24

Key Verse: 3:16

1.  Read verse 1. What does it mean that God lavished his love on us? How did he do so? (Jn 1:29; 3:16; Ro 8:31-32) What are the benefits of being God's children? (Ro 8:15-17) Why doesn't the world recognize us as God's children?

2.  Read verses 2-3. What does "when he appears" mean? What is our hope as God's children? Why is it important to hold on to this glorious hope? (See also 1Co 15:49; Jn 14:1-3; Mt 24:42-44; 1Thes 5:8-11)

3.  Read verses 4-10. How does he define sin? Why must a child of God quit sinning? What is the major reason for Jesus' coming? What is a sure mark of a child of God? A child of the devil?

4.  Read verses 11-15. Why did Cain murder his brother? Why should we not be surprised that the world hates us? How can we know that we have passed from death to life? How can we know if we have not?

5.  Read verses 16-18. How do we know what love is? Why must we practice the love of God in our practical lives? Read v. 19-24. How can we know that we belong to the truth? How can we know that Jesus lives in us?


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