Bible Materials

Participate In The Divine Nature

by Paul Choi   06/02/2024   2_Peter 1:1~11


Participate in His Divine Nature

2 Peter 1:1-11 

Key Verse: 1:4 

1. Read verses 1-2. What does Peter’s introduction of himself reveal about his relationship to Jesus and to the recipients (1)? How can grace and peace be multiplied to us (2)? 

2. Read v 3-4. What has God given us pertaining to life and godliness? What does “knowledge” mean? What motivated God to call us? What blessings has God given us by his own glory and goodness, and for what purpose (4)? What does it mean to participate in the divine nature? 

3. Read v.5-7. In view of what God has done for us, what should we do (5a)? What specific qualities does Peter mention as part of the divine nature (5b-7)? What is their foundation and culmination? Why do you think Peter mentions these things? 

4. Read v. 8-9. What results from possessing the qualities of the divine nature (8)? What does it mean to be effective and productive in our knowledge of Jesus? What warning does Peter give to those who are not growing spiritually (9)? 

5. Read v. 10-11. What is the significance of confirming one’s calling and election (10a)? How can we avoid stumbling (10b)? In what respect is practicing divine qualities the pathway into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (11)? 


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