Bible Materials

Jesus Came to Full the Law

by Paul Choi   08/11/2024   Matthew 5:17~30


Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law

Matthew 5:17-30

Key Verse: 5:17

 1. Read verses 17-18. What was Jesus’ attitude toward the Law and the Prophets (the Bible)? How did Jesus fulfill the Law? The Prophets?

2. Read verses 19-20. What does Jesus say about those who break even one of the commandments and teach others to do so? About those who practice the commands and teach others to do so? Give examples. (Mt 5:21-27; Ro 2:23)

3. Read verses 21-22. What does the 6th commandment forbid? (Ex 20:13) How did Jesus interpret and apply this commandment? What does it mean to be subject to judgment? Why is anger like murder? Why is treating others with contempt like murder?

4. Read verse 23-26. What does it mean to “be reconciled?” What has priority when worshiping in the temple? (24) Why is it so important to be reconciled with one’s brother? With one’s adversaries?

5. Read verses 27-31. What does the 7th commandment forbid? (Ex 20:14) How does Jesus interpret and expand the meaning of this commandment? How does Jesus regard the seriousness of this sin? (29, 30) Why is this so serious? (1 Cor 6:18-20) How does Jesus help us? (Ro 3:23-25a; Gal 5:24-25; Mt 5:17)


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