Bible Materials

Live Before Your Father God

by Paul Choi   08/25/2024   Matthew 6:1~18


Live Before Your Father God

Matthew 6:1-8;16-18

Key Verse: 6:4b

 1. Read verse 1. Skim through this passage and find the 3 acts of righteousness mentioned here. (2a,5a,16a) Why should acts of righteousness not be done before men? (1) How many times is "reward" mentioned? (1,2,4,5,6,16,18) What two kinds of rewards do you find? What kind of rewards does God give?

2. Read verses 2-4. Why must we give? (2Cor 9:7; Ac 20:35b) To whom should we give? How and why do the hypocrites give? What reward do they receive?

3. What does it mean to not let the left hand know what your right hand is doing? What reward does our Father give to those who give in secret? How can we live before God in our giving?

4. Read verse 5-6. What is prayer? (Php 4:6-7; Lk 11:9) Before whom do hypocrites and pagans pray? How do they pray? (Lk 18:10-13;7) What is their reward? How should we pray? What does God see and know? (6,8)

5. Read v.16-18. How is fasting related to self-sacrifice? What is the purpose of fasting? How do hypocrites live before men in their fasting? How many times is the word "secret" mentioned? (4,6,18) What does this teach us about how to live before God and not before men?


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