Bible Study Materials

Genesis 45:1-47:31

by Paul Choi   05/16/2022  


God was with Joseph

(Jacob goes to Egypt) Lesson 28

Genesis 45:1-47:31

Key Verse: 46:3

  1. Look at 45:1-28. How did Joseph react to his brother’s sincere repentance? What enabled Joseph to forgive his brothers? (5-8) What can you learn from Joseph here? How did Pharaoh respond to Joseph’s reunion with his family?

  2. Look at 46:1-27. Why did Joseph bring Jacob and his family back to Egypt? (45:11) What was God’s plan for Jacob’s family behind Joseph’s invitation? (3-4) How many people from Jacob’s family went down to Egypt? (27, Ref; Num 1:46)

  3. Look at 46:28-34. How did Jacob react when he met Joseph? Why did Joseph provide the land of Goshen for his family? (33-34, 47:11) Look at 47:1-12. Describe Jacob’s encounter with Pharaoh. How did Jacob describe his life? (9)


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