Bible Materials

Suffer for Doing Good

by Paul Choi   05/12/2024   1_Peter 3:8~22



1 Peter 3:8-22

Key Verse: 3:15

 1. Read verses 8-9.   What kinds of relationships within the Christian community does Peter exhort (8)? Why is this important (see also 1:22; 4:8)? How can we overcome evil (9; Ro 12:19-21)? What is the outcome of doing this?

2. Read v. 10-12.  What must one do to love life and see good days (10-11)? Why is it especially important to keep one’s tongue from evil (Jas 3:6,8)? What motivates us to do these things (12)?

3. Read v. 13-16. What confidence can we have in doing good? How can we overcome inner fear in the midst of threats (Lk 12:4-5)? What kind of hope do we always have (1:3)? When this hope inspires inquiry, how should we use this as an opportunity?

4.  Read v. 17-18. What should we discern in regards to suffering (17)? In what respect is suffering for doing good better than suffering for doing evil? What good result did Christ’s suffering bring about (18)? What does this mean to you?

5. Read v.19-22.  How is Christ’s example in suffering and his victory revealed in verses 19-22? What is the meaning of baptism?


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