Bible Materials

Be Shepherds of God's Flock

by Paul Choi   05/26/2024   1_Peter 5:1~14



1 Peter 5:1-14 

Key Verses: 5:2a 

1. On what basis did Peter appeal to the elders (1)? Read verses 2-3. What does it mean to be a shepherd of God’s flock (Jn 10:11; 21:15-17; Ac 20:28-31)? Why is it so important to have a right motive as a shepherd? What is the reward (4)? 

2. What exhortation did Peter give to younger people (5a)? What virtue did Peter emphasize practicing in the Christian community, and why (5b-6)? Why might anxiety arise in regard to humbling oneself, and how can we solve it (7)? 

3. What warning did Peter give and why (8; cf. 1:13; 4:7b)? How can we defeat with the devil (9; Jas 4:7)? What encouragement do we find in the fellowship of believers worldwide? 

4. What will the God of all grace do for suffering believers (10)? What can you learn about God from Peter’s doxology (11; 4:11b)? Who was with Peter when he wrote this letter (12a,13)? Why did he write this letter (12b)? What was his final greeting (14)? 


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