Bible Materials

Confirm God's Call and Election

by Paul Choi   06/09/2024   2_Peter 1:10~11


Confirm Your Calling and Election

2 Peter 1:10-11

Key Verse: 1:10

  1. Read verse 10.

a) What is God’s call?

b) What is the nature of God’s call? (Jn 15:16, 1 Pe 2:9, Ro 11:29, Jn 21:22,

Eph 2:10)

c) What are the types of God’s call?

  1. d) How does God call us? (Ac 8:9, 13:2, Ro 1:17, Mt 28:19-20)

e) Who does God call?

f) Why does God call us? (Ge 3:9, Ro 13:12-14)

  1. Read verse 11.

  1. How do we discern God’s call?

  2. How do we confirm God’s call and election?

  3. What are the effects of God’s call?

  1. What are the examples of God’s call in the Bible? (Ge 3:9, 12:1-3, Ex 3:4, Jdg 6:12, 1 Sa 3:4; 16:13, Is 6:8, Jer 1:4-5, Jonah 1:1-2, Lk 1:28; 5:10,27, Ac 9:4)

  2. What does “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” mean to us today? (Ex 19:5-6, Deut 7:6, 1 Pe 2:9, Rev 1:6)


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