Bible Materials

The Day of the Lord Is Coming

by Paul Choi   06/30/2024   2_Peter 3:1~18


The Day of the Lord is Coming

2 Peter 3:1-18
Key Verse: 3:10a

1.  Read verses 1-4. What was Peter's purpose in writing his letters (1-2)? How can we engage in “wholesome thinking”[1]? What promises did Jesus make about his second com­ing? (Mk 13:26; 14:62) Why do scoffers scoff (3)? What lie do they teach (4)?

2. Read v. 5-9. What truths have scoffers deliberately forgotten (5-6; Ge 1:1; 6:5-7)? What will happen to the present heavens and earth (7)? How can we know this? What do verses 8-9 teach us about God's view of time and his promise? Why is God patient?

3. Read verse 10-13. What is the "day of the Lord"? (10; Isa 13:9) How will the day of the Lord come? In light of this, what kind of people ought we to be (11-12)? What is the hope of those who keep with his promises (13; Rev 21:1-4)?

4.  Read v. 14-16. With this hope, what must we do (14)? What does the Lord’s patience mean to us (15a)? What did Paul say about these things (15b-16; Ro 2:4; 1Ti 2:3-4)?

5. Read v. 17-18. Why do we have to be on our guard? What is the significance of growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?


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