Bible Materials

Repent, The Kingdom of Heaven Has Come Near

by Paul Choi   07/07/2024   Matthew 3:1~17


Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is Near

Matthew 3:1-17

Key Verse: 3:2

 1. Read verses 1-3. What was John’s message? What does it mean to repent and that the kingdom of heaven has come near? What was John’s mission? (3; Isa 40:3) Why is it important that his mission is rooted in God’s word?

2. Read verses 4-6. What does John’s lifestyle show about him? How did the people respond to him? What does this show about them? How did John’s baptism prepare the way for Jesus?

3. Read verses 7-10. Why did John rebuke the religious leaders? What were they proud of? What evidence of real faith does God seek in his people? What happens to those who do not repent?

4. Read verses 11-12. How did John witness to Jesus? What is the difference in John’s baptism and the baptism of Jesus? What does it mean that Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit? With fire?

5. Read verses 13-15. Why did Jesus come to be baptized by John? What does “to fulfill all righteousness” mean? Read verses 16-17. What happened when Jesus was baptized? Why was God pleased with Jesus?


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