Bible Materials

The Lord's Prayer

by Paul Choi   09/01/2024   Matthew 6:9~15


The Lord’s Prayer

Matthew 6:9-15

Key Verse: 6:9b,10 

1. Read verse 9. How does God want us to pray? What should be our prayer topics and petitions? Think about each one: First, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” How we should approach him? (Eph 3:12) What does it mean to hallow his name? (Rev 4:8-11; Isaiah 6:3)

2. Read v. 10. What does this teach us about God’s great vision and heart’s desire? About Jesus’ mission and purpose? About the nature of God’s kingdom?

3. Read v. 11. Why “our”? Why do we ask for “daily” bread? Why for “bread”? What does this teach us about our relationship to God and to our fellow human beings?

4. Read v. 12-15. “Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors.” What is meant by “debts”? (14-15) Why is it so important to forgive and to be forgiven? (Col 2:14) (Mt 18:21-35)

5. Read v. 13. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one?” What does temptation have to do with the evil one? How should we deal with temptation? (Heb 4:15-16; 1Cor 10:13)


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